dimanche 20 septembre 2015

EURAMES Info Service 34/2015


1. International Conference: "Focus sur Tanger: Là où l’Afrique et l’Europe se
rencontrent”, Tangier, Morocco, 1-4 October 2015

2. Conference: "Islam in Russia", Harvard University, 15-16 October 2015 
3. 11th Edition of the "Mediterranean Economic Rendezvous" during the Mediterranean
Economic Week of Marseilles, 7 November 2015 

4. Workshop: "Diaspora Mobilization for Conflict and Post-conflict Reconstruction",
University of Warwick, 26-27 November 2015

5. Third Annual International Conference: "Social and Cultural History in the Arab
World, Turkey and Iran: Theories, Methods and Themes",  Qatar University,  17-18
March 2016

6. Third Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS),
University of London,  11-12 April 2016

7. International Conference: "Borders and Beyond" in the Middle East (BABITME): The
1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow",  York St John
University, 17-18 June 2016

8. Panel: "Khaldunian Civilizational Analysis in International Relations", 24th
World Congress of Political Science, Istanbul, 23-28 July 2016

9. Workshop Proposals  for "7th Annual Gulf Research Meeting", University of
Cambridge, 16-19 August 2016


10. Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Turkish Linguistics, Department of Turkish
and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cyprus

11. Lecturer in Arabic, Department of Religion and Classics, University of Rochester

12. Director, Carnegie Middle East Center, The Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, Beirut

13. Assistant Professor in Political Science (Focus on Middle East/North Africa),
Bryn Mawr College, PA

14. Assistant Professor in Sociocultural Anthropology (Focus Middle East/Islamic
World etc.), Haverford College, PA

15. Assistant Professor of History (Middle East and North Africa), Christopher
Newport University, VA

16. Associate or Full Professor, M.S. Sofia Chair in Arabic Studies, Ohio State

17. Research Project Coordinator of the  Islamic and Middle East Studies Centers of
Duke University, Durham, NC
18. Further Positions at Universities in the USA

19. Tenure-track and Tenured Positions in Modern and Medieval Arabic Language and
Literature, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


20. Stipend for Doctoral Studies in the Field of History of Egypt in the Islamic
Period (7 – 20th centuries), Yousef Jameel Scholarship Fund, Philipps-Universität

21. Research Projects on "The Political Economy of Contemporary Arab Societies"
22. Working Groups Coordinators: “Re-thinking Security and Insecurity in the Arab
Region: A Bottom-Up Approach (INSEC Project)”, Arab Council for the Social Sciences

23. Articles on "Constructing and Consuming Gender through Media" for Special Issue
of Journal "CyberOrient"

24. Articles on "Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Muslim Thought" for "Journal of Islamic
Thought & Civilization"

25. Articles for Edited Book: “Turks, Kurds and Arabs: Hundred Years after the World
War I”

26. New Book Series: "Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East"

27. Funding for an Academic Collaboration between a German University and a
University Partner in Tunisia, Jordan, Morocco, Libya or Yemen

28. New Program of Study:  “Counter Extremism Interreligious Alliance (CEIA)”,
ADYAN, Lebanese Foundation for Interreligious Studies and Spiritual Solidarity,


If you want to distribute an announcement via EURAMES Info Service (more than 5500
recipients, only English and French announcements), please apply the usual format of
the text with no more than 50 words and no attachment. Please send only the most
important information to  and refer to further details with a
link to the respective website or an email address.

Best regards,

Guenter Meyer, Center for Research on the Arab World (CERAW), University of Mainz,



1. International Conference: "Focus sur Tanger: Là où l’Afrique et l’Europe se
rencontrent”, Tangier, Morocco, 1-4 October 2015

The conference is  organised by Helmut Reifeld (Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Rabat),
Dieter Haller (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and Steffen Wippel (Philipps-Universität
Marburg). For your participation, please contact in advance: Clément Michel (KAS
Rabat), .

Information and programme: www.kas.de/marokko/fr/events/65245/. 


2. Conference: "Islam in Russia", Harvard University, 15-16 October 2015 
The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies is hosting this conference. It is
free and open to the public. Registration is not required, but is appreciated for
planning purposes. Information:


3. 11th Edition of the "Mediterranean Economic Rendezvous" during the Mediterranean
Economic Week of Marseilles, 7 November 2015 

Topic: "Reinforcing the partnership between the European Union and the Maghreb
through vocational training and entrepreneurship". Invitation:
http://majelice.fr/2015/999/Invitation_GB.pdf; Program:
http://majelice.fr/2015/999/Programme_FR.pdf; Registration:


4. Workshop: "Diaspora Mobilization for Conflict and Post-conflict Reconstruction",
University of Warwick, 26-27 November 2015

Submission of papers is particularly welcome to provide insights about: 1) diasporic
identities, 2) conditions providing political opportunity structures for
transnational mobilization, 3) causal mechanisms concatenating in mobilization
processes, 4) and transnational diaspora networks. 

Deadline for abstracts: 30 September 2015. Information:  


5. Third Annual International Conference: "Social and Cultural History in the Arab
World, Turkey and Iran: Theories, Methods and Themes",  Qatar University,  17-18
March 2016

This conference will look at social and cultural history as a specific episode in
the history of historiography with special focus on the Arab world, Turkey and Iran.
It seeks to provide a re-appraisal of this type of history today.

Deadline  for abstracts: 15 November 2015. Information:


6. Third Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS),
University of London,  11-12 April 2016

The organisers invite proposals for panels or individual papers on any aspect or
sub-discipline of Islamic Studies which is broadly understood to include both
Muslim-majority and Muslim-minority contexts as well as historical, textual,
contemporary anthropological and sociological approaches.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2015. Information:


7. International Conference: "Borders and Beyond" in the Middle East (BABITME): The
1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow",  York St John
University, 17-18 June 2016

The Conference plans "breaking the barriers" between local history, family history,
and world history. Proposals for papers and panels are welcome. Information


8. Panel: "Khaldunian Civilizational Analysis in International Relations", 24th
World Congress of Political Science, Istanbul, 23-28 July 2016


9. Workshop Proposals  for "7th Annual Gulf Research Meeting", University of
Cambridge, 16-19 August 2016

Deadline for applications: 30 September 2015. Information:



10. Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Turkish Linguistics, Department of Turkish
and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cyprus

Applications with specialization in the didactics of the Turkish language are
preferred. Ph.D. required. Applications by 28 September 2015, though postal
applications accepted by 5th October. For information contact Tom Sinclair


11. Lecturer in Arabic, Department of Religion and Classics, University of Rochester

This is a three-year position, subject to annual review and potentially renewable,
to begin fall, 2016. Requirements: M.A. or equivalent, and native or near-native
proficiency in Arabic. Ph.D. degree would be beneficial. Information:


12. Director, Carnegie Middle East Center, The Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, Beirut

Successful candidates will have recognized expertise on the Arab region; a Ph.D. in
a field relevant to public policy and a distinguished publication record; proven
team leadership and project management experience. Information:


13. Assistant Professor in Political Science (Focus on Middle East/North Africa),
Bryn Mawr College, PA

The position will start on 1 August 2016. Deadline for applications: 7 October 2015.
Information http://apply.interfolio.com/30357


14. Assistant Professor in Sociocultural Anthropology (Focus Middle East/Islamic
World etc.), Haverford College, PA

 Deadline for applications: 15 October 2015. Information:


 15. Assistant Professor of History (Middle East and North Africa), Christopher
Newport University, VA

The position will start 15 August 2016. Deadline for applications: 1 November 2015.
Information: www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=51494


16. Associate or Full Professor, M.S. Sofia Chair in Arabic Studies, Ohio State

The preferred field of specialization is pre-modern Arabic Islamic texts and
traditions or classical Arabic language and literature. Information:


17. Research Project Coordinator of the  Islamic and Middle East Studies Centers of
Duke University, Durham, NC
This positon will work with the directors of the two centers to design, develop, and
carry out research projects that pull together faculty from across the university.
MA or equivalent higher degree preferable; minimum 4 years experience. Information:
www.hr.duke.edu/jobs/apply/external.php?pageid=search, Requisition Number


18. Further Positions at Universities in the USA

a) Yale University - Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies,

b) Yale University - Full Professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
(NELC), ww.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=51493

c) Columbia University - Richard Bulliet Professorship of Islamic History,

d) University of Maryland - College Park - Assistant Professor - Jews of Muslim
Lands/Mizrahi Jews, www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=51504


19. Tenure-track and Tenured Positions in Modern and Medieval Arabic Language and
Literature, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

One of the following fields: Modern Arabic literature, Classical Arabic literature –
poetry and prose (adab), Arabic language and linguistics, Early Islamic history and
historiography, medieval Islamic philosophy and theology, or  Islamic law), as well
as in the field of Religious Studies, with a specialization in Islam. n ability to
teach courses in Arabic is an advantage. 

Applications are due by 15 October 2015. Information:



20. Stipend for Doctoral Studies in the Field of History of Egypt in the Islamic
Period (7 – 20th centuries), Yousef Jameel Scholarship Fund, Philipps-Universität

The Department of Islamic Studies which is part of the Center for Near and Middle
Eastern Studies (CNMS) has a strong emphasis on socio-political and cultural issues
but applications outside this field like Islamic Philosophy will be considered as

Deadline for application: 30 November2015. Information:


21. Research Projects on "The Political Economy of Contemporary Arab Societies"
The Economic Research Forum (ERF) invites proposals for quantitative research using
opinion surveys on sub-themes concerning the link between the evolution of political
settlements and economic development; the role of the middle class in ongoing
economic and political transformation; the gender gap and low female labor
participation; Migration and impact on social norms;  Perception of inequality and
inequality of opportunity; the socio-economic outcomes of social polarization during

Deadline for applications: 30 October 2015. Information:


22. Working Groups Coordinators: “Re-thinking Security and Insecurity in the Arab
Region: A Bottom-Up Approach (INSEC Project)”, Arab Council for the Social Sciences

Applications are invited from mid-career or senior scholars who would like to
develop a specific research project within this overall theme and to form and
coordinate a Working Group of 6-8 members engaged in collaborative team research for
a period of three years. 

Deadline for application: 1 October 2015. Information: www.theacss.org/pages/wgp_insec


23. Articles on "Constructing and Consuming Gender through Media" for Special Issue
of Journal "CyberOrient"

This special issue aims to examine how gender roles are constructed, transmitted,
and negotiated within a range of cultural media products in the Middle East.
Deadline for full papers: 10 January 2016. Information:


24. Articles on "Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Muslim Thought" for "Journal of Islamic
Thought & Civilization"

Deadline for full paper submission: 10 November 2015. Information:


25. Articles for Edited Book: “Turks, Kurds and Arabs: Hundred Years after the World
War I”

Deadline for abstracts: 20 October 2015. All inquiries should be addressed to
Editor, Dr. Salim Çevik [].    


26. New Book Series: "Critical Studies in Architecture of the Middle East"

The series intends to present the history, theory, practice, and critical analyses
of historical and contemporary architecture, landscape, and urban design, as well as
the interpretation and conservation of the region’s existing cultural heritage. It
will include surveys, monographs, and edited volumes. Series editors: Mohammad
Gharipour & Christiane Gruber

Information: www.intellectbooks.co.uk/books/view-Series,id=39/


27. Funding for an Academic Collaboration between a German University and a
University Partner in Tunisia, Jordan, Morocco, Libya or Yemen

Applications are  being accepted until 24 September 2015 by two different DAAD
programs on German-Arab Transformation Partnership. Information: www.daad.de


28. New Program of Study:  “Counter Extremism Interreligious Alliance (CEIA)”,
ADYAN, Lebanese Foundation for Interreligious Studies and Spiritual Solidarity,

The program is funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Applications are
invited from young leaders who would like to build their capacities, acquiring
knowledge and skills needed to address extremism, and contribute to enhance social
resilience and cohesion within their societies.
The deadline for application is 25 September 2015. Information:

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